Covert monitoring by a superior is legitimate
It is legitimate for the employer to monitor its employees in the correct fulfillment of their duties, directly or through the managers that report to him and are known to the employees.
Court of Cassation, Employment Section, Judgment of 9 October 2020, no. 21888

Injunctive relief interrupts prescription
The Constitutional Court has declared unconstitutional Article 6(2) of Law 604/1966, where does not recognize filing of an interim injunction (ante causam) as able to interrupt prescription
Constitutional Court, Judgement no. 212 of 14 October 2020

COVID-19 quarantine/precautionary monitoring and social security cover for illness
The Italian social security body (INPS), with Message no. 3653 of 9 October 2020, clarifies workers’ rights regarding social security cover for illness in the case of quarantine and/or precautionary monitoring
INPS Message no. 3653 of 9 October 2020

Unlawful placement in redundancy scheme (CIG) and demotion: independently indemnifiable
The damage arising from unlawful placement in the redundancy scheme (CIG) and damages for demotion, suffered by the same worker during the period of suspension of the redundancy fund, represent two distinct damaging events because they can be traced back to the breach of separate norms and as such separately indemnifiable.
Court of Cassation, Employment Section, Order No. 20466 of 28 September 2020

Secondment of staff: an anti-crisis tool
In the event of a temporary downturn in production, the employer may second the employee in order not to disperse his professional skills
Supreme Court of Cassation, Employment Section, Order 17 September 2020, No 19413

Exceeding the period of sick leave: timeliness and notice
In the case of dismissal for exceeding the period of sick leave, adjudicating on the promptness of the withdrawal cannot be achieved on strictly applying predetermined chronological criteria, but requires a fair assessment that the judge must make on a case-by-case basis
Court of Cassation, Employment Section, Order No. 18960 of September 11, 2020

Unpaid contributions, damages and prescription
Before reaching retirement age, an employee can take action against the employer only for damages due to social security contribution irregularities and this right is subject to a ten-year statute of limitations
Court of Cassation, Employment Section Judgment September 8, 2020, no. 18661

Contractual framework and correct level of classification
The Supreme Court rules on the three-phase process for identifying the correct grade level of classification of employees
Court of Cassation, Employment Section, Order No. 18692 of 9 September 2020

Collective and individual protective measures
Safety at work: the use of collective protection measures in the workplace takes priority over the use of PPE
Court of Cassation, Labour Section, judgment no. 18137 of 31 August 2020

Deadline to challenge the dismissal in Court
The deadline to challenge the dismissal in Court starts running from the date the out-of-court challenge is sent by the employee, not the date it is received by the employer
Court of Cassation, Employment section, judgment no. 17197 of August 17, 2020